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One of the most unique and enriching aspects of the Jesuit experience is the lifelong brotherhood of our young men. Through the Jesuit Dallas Alumni Association, we encourage continued engagement by offering a number of annual events, services, and programs to graduates and former Jesuit students who have been shaped by the journey into becoming a Man for Others.


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A Lasting Brotherhood

Historical Archives

The Jesuit Dallas Archives promotes the discovery, collection, preservation, and display of historical records, artifacts, newspapers, photographs, and all other materials relating to the history of Jesuit Dallas. We treasure your Jesuit memories and encourage you to share them!

Jesuit Today

Browse through past publications of our biannual magazine, Jesuit Today, published for alumni, parents, students and friends of Jesuit Dallas.

Attend a Game

Throughout the year, we engage with local, national, and international partners to create formative experiences that compel our students to carefully consider the intersections of faith and justice and engage in meaningful encounters with those experiencing marginalization.

Our Alumni


Annual Reunion Attendance


Different Colleges & Universities Attended within the Last Five Years


States Our Alumni Reside


Alumni Phonathon Gifts Supporting Financial Aid


Estate Gifts Made to Jesuit by Alumni


Faculty & Staff Alumni


Consecutive years attending a U.S. Service Academy


Countries Alumni Reside

The Jesuit experience is more than just education. It’s about forming a young man spiritually, physically, and emotionally so that they are ready to take on the world and serve in their communities.Ryan '03 and Sean '05 Bellomy