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A member of the entrepreneurship club and the Jesuit Multicultural Society, Mateo Bryce has followed the path of other Jesuit students through the years in reaching out on his own to facilitate meaningful change for under-resourced populations on a global scale. His work with the Tennessee-based nonprofit, Soles4Souls, has been extraordinary as the organizations seeks to disrupt the cycle of poverty by creating sustainable jobs and providing relief through the distribution of shoes and clothing around the world.

“Mateo has a tremendous servant heart, and I could not be more enthusiastic about nominating him as Ranger of the Week,” shared one faculty member. Another nomination suggested, “Mateo’s work with Soles4Souls is very inspiring. We are very proud of him for his fight against local and global poverty.”

As part of the program, Bryce helped launch a drive to collect 10,000 pairs of new or gently worn shoes. The shoes will then be used to create jobs in Haiti, Honduras, and other developing nations to help establish small businesses in those areas. The efforts also help protect the environment by keeping discarded shoes out of landfills. Once the drive is complete, Bryce will have the opportunity to partner with a local non-profit to distribute brand-new shoes through the Soles4Souls organization.

People interested in contributing toward the effort can bring shoes of any size and style to the Southlake Police and Fire Headquarters located at 600 State Street in Southlake, Texas.